Beynimin en yaratici oldugu gece saat 2-3 sularinda patlak vermis, birseyler uretme durtusunden yola cikarak gøkten dusen bir yerdir burasi...buyrun burdan yakin.(Homebrew Blog, 40% alcohol by volume)
Laptop Olayim
mobilite ihtiyaci duymayan bir kutuk oldugumdan dolayi su anda kadar laptop (aka notebook) ihtiyacim olmadi. staj yerinden verdiler bi tane. allaa icin iyi alet ama. gerci benim hevesim vardiysa da ilk pc'mi aldiklarindaydi, sirf meraktan.
eve getirdim laptopumu (gerci laptop demek abezlik, konsantre desktop demek daha dogru olur sanirsam. 17" aq seyi, hayvan gibi de agir) actim bi baktim iste sirket standarti olan dosyalar yuklenmis falan filan findik fistik, koydum bi koseye. sonra pc ile goz goze geldik, sarildik..."temizle biraz beni be abi" dedi. "klavye rahatsiz, ust katman kul, alt katman ise gecen ay døkulen kola sagolsun bakteri memleketi" diye ekledi ve devam etti: "monitorun ustu bi katman toz, mouse da yagli fistik gibi". "sus ve calismaya devam et!" dedim ustune de yaktim bi sigara.
Fuck It
what else to lose more?
...all whithered
...all the feelings gone
they are calling you...
absolute freedom, we will never have
if we even tangent to it?
...all whithered
...all the feelings gone
they are calling you...
absolute freedom, we will never have
if we even tangent to it?
If$a ediyoruz! (Shame on you!)
1. | 37 | 15.95% | ||
2. | 32 | 13.79% | ||
3. | 19 | 8.19% | ||
4. | 10 | 4.31% | ||
5. | 9 | 3.88% | ||
6. | 6 | 2.59% | ||
7. | 6 | 2.59% | ||
8. | 6 | 2.59% | ||
9. | 5 | 2.16% | ||
10. | 4 | 1.72% |
evet sekil 1-A'da da gøruldugu uzere blogumuza googla'da arana yoluyla giren cogu insanin (hayvan) "nuri alco" manyagi oldugunu anliyoruz...øylesine hosuma gitmisti bi tane nuri alco filminden kesidi (youtube) koymustum...bu ne nuri alco aski birader(%16si lan keywordlerin)?!
fekkaat bunun yaninda neyzen seven kimselerin de (gene neyzen hakkinda tek post, ama siir saglam allaa icin simdi :] ) tiklamalarini esirgemediklerini gøruyoruz...
dengesiz bir tablo olmus...(hatta $imdi bu posttaki nuri alco kelimeleri yuzunden daha da artacak bu hit'ler!)
bah bahh
my friend yesterday (he's an Arab, Palestinian to be specific) asked me:
-why do this people share on the web? like torrent? what do they get out of it? [man if u are reading this dont get all whiny :p]
i replied:
+dude they share so they can get also something gratis, thats why it's called sharing
he went on dully:
-yeah but i still don't get it?!
+i share than you share! everyone happy! got it?
-yeah no
i gave up...some (most) people don't understand why somethings are "gratis"...fuck this mentality..why this search of profit in everything?ahh fuck it, dumb fuckers...
i'm planning on uploading all my university material for 3 years since i wont be participating in any lactures from now on...gonna give some aid to poor retards :) ehehheh
-why do this people share on the web? like torrent? what do they get out of it? [man if u are reading this dont get all whiny :p]
i replied:
+dude they share so they can get also something gratis, thats why it's called sharing
he went on dully:
-yeah but i still don't get it?!
+i share than you share! everyone happy! got it?
-yeah no
i gave up...some (most) people don't understand why somethings are "gratis"...fuck this mentality..why this search of profit in everything?ahh fuck it, dumb fuckers...
i'm planning on uploading all my university material for 3 years since i wont be participating in any lactures from now on...gonna give some aid to poor retards :) ehehheh
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